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Neck Lift in Glenwood Springs, CO


Dr. Butterfield performs neck lift surgery for patients in the greater Aspen, Glenwood Springs, and Basalt areas who wish to achieve a shapelier profile and tighter looking neck. This surgery uses liposuction to remove any loose pockets of fat that may reside under the skin. It also incorporates a tightening technique that trims away any excess skin that hangs from the neck while pulling it tight. A neck lift will treat certain conditions that result from aging or following a major weight loss. Dr. Butterfield recommends this procedure for healthy patients who are at their goal weight.

Surgical Technique

A neck lift will address several issues including the removal of excess fat, the trimming of hanging skin and the tightening of loose skin around the underlying neck muscles. An incision is made under the chin, and in some cases, behind or in front of the ears. If fat removal is part of this surgery, liposuction will be the first step. Next, the neck muscles (platysma) are pulled tight and the overlying skin is stretched and re-draped to achieve the desired definition. Sutures are placed deep within the neck wall and a drain may be inserted to control bleeding.

During/After Surgery

A neck lift is considered an outpatient procedure, performed under general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility. This surgery typically takes 2 hours to complete, but that will vary by surgical case. After surgery, there will be some bruising and swelling. Patients will feel tightness and a pulling sensation as the neck adjusts to its new position. Most patients are able to return to work within 7-10 days. It can take several months for the optimal results to appear and for the neck to look and feel natural.

Expected Costs

The cost for a neck lift procedure will vary depending on the extent of the surgery and whether liposuction was used. If the surgery is combined with another cosmetic facial procedure, then the cost will increase. In general, most patients can expect to pay between $5,500-$9,000 for a complete neck lift.

Neck Lift FAQ's

Non-Surgical Neck Lift?

Loose skin within the neck is a distinct flaw that can only be removed through surgery. Unfortunately, this is the only true way to redefine a person’s neck and add the necessary definition needed to improve the contour and profile.

Visible Scars?

A neck lift does require an incision under the chin and near the ears. However, these are placed inconspicuously (within the hairline on the ears and under the chin) so looking straight ahead you will not see them. We make every effort during surgery to minimize visible scarring as much as possible.

Average Age?

Individuals in their 20s and 30s may benefit from a neck lift, especially those who have experienced a massive weight loss or have a hereditary defect of the neck. Patients in their 60s and 70s often undergo a neck lift to cosmetically treat the visible signs of aging.

Neck Or Chin?

Some patients will have issues with their neck, but these problems may actually be the result of a “weak chin.” Without the proper support of the chin bone, the neck isn’t able to have a defined contour. A chin implant (genioplasty or mentoplasty) may be recommended to reshape the chin and make it wider or more prominent. This can have a great impact on the neck for many patients. This surgery is considered a reconstructive procedure and requires the skill of an experienced surgeon. A neck lift may still be needed once the chin has been corrected.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.